The Seven Churches of Revelation

The Seven Churches of Revelation: Ephesus


1. The Seven Churches of Revelation: Ephesus

The letters to the seven churches of Revelation contain ancient messages that are still extraordinarily relevant for us today. Join John Bradshaw on location in Turkey as he shares the significance of God’s letter to the Ephesians and the importance of recapturing the fervency of your early faith. Don’t miss the first episode of the series "The Seven Churches of Revelation."

The Seven Churches of Revelation: Smyrna


2. The Seven Churches of Revelation: Smyrna

When the apostle John wrote to the church of Smyrna, he was addressing the persecuted faithful, a message still applicable today as it becomes increasingly difficult to be a follower of Jesus. Join John Bradshaw on location in Turkey for the second episode of “The Seven Churches of Revelation” and be inspired to live a God-honoring life, even under pressure.

The Seven Churches of Revelation: Pergamos


3. The Seven Churches of Revelation: Pergamos

God’s message to the believers in Pergamos contained both praise and rebuke, a reminder that their faith could easily be corrupted by compromise with the Roman Empire. Join John Bradshaw on location in Turkey for “The Seven Churches of Revelation: Pergamos” and uncover the lasting reward God offers to those who are faithful in their perseverance.

The Seven Churches of Revelation: Thyatira & Philadelphia


4. The Seven Churches of Revelation: Thyatira & Philadelphia

The messages to Thyatira and Philadelphia are opposites: one chastises a corrupt church for mixing pagan philosophy with Christian faith, and the other praises the steadfast faithfulness shown by believers. Join John Bradshaw on location in Turkey as he delves deeper into the letters to these two churches and their applications throughout history in "The Seven Churches of Revelation: Thyatira & Philadelphia."

The Seven Churches of Revelation: Sardis


5. The Seven Churches of Revelation: Sardis

Though it was written to a church that existed 2,000 years ago, God’s letter to the church of Sardis is also a message to those who are struggling spiritually today. Join John Bradshaw on location in Turkey for “The Seven Churches of Revelation: Sardis” and learn how the Holy Spirit can strengthen and enable you to live a life in accordance with God's will.

The Seven Churches of Revelation: Laodicea


6. The Seven Churches of Revelation: Laodicea

The apostle John’s letter to the final church of Revelation was cautionary, a reminder that prosperity can become complacency and self-sufficiency can be spiritually deadly. Join John Bradshaw on location in Turkey for the final episode of “The Seven Churches of Revelation” and uncover the dangers inherent for Christians in spiritual indifference and being “lukewarm” in your faith.